
Showing posts from September, 2018
Which Day Defines Your Year? A HaYom Challenge for the Yamim Noraim The theater has it right about the day. Whether it is Emily begging the stage manager to return to Grover’s Corners for one more day in Our Town , Billy getting one more day to visit his daughter Louise in Carousel or Mark in Rent talking about “single frames of one magic night forever flicker(ing) in close-up,” it is often one or two moments, one or two days in a year, a Yom, that teach us most about ourselves and what matters. At Elli Kranzler’s annual slichot concert last night into this morning, the sole thread (and the soul thread) that weaved through his music and tefila was the day of his mother’s death this summer.  While every year’s concert is incredible, it was this one that stood out—as his words, his voice and his music, his lens on the slichot was shaped by one day where he lost his mother, his teacher and his nurturer.  As one who was blessed to be there last night, I would say that it was his