
Showing posts from August, 2019
Why are we all so Uncomfortable with Comfort? Giving a Theme of the Season its Proper Due School has arrived.  Supplies are being purchased, family routines are getting back in place and the rhythm of the year is ready to start.  And comfort is getting a bum rap in school. Yes, comfort. Google the term “comfort zone and education” and you will get a full menu of phrases and school missions that seem to be against the concept of comfort.  From “Step out of your comfort zone,” to “Get comfortable being uncomfortable,” to “Your comfort zone is killing your success,” schools around the country, public, private, religious and secular are working hard to have students and faculty move out of the world of comfort and step firmly into a space of discomfort. But the calendar, this time of year, says otherwise.  Every year as school begins, we find ourselves somewhere in the middle of a seven week period in the Jews year.  As opposed to the more famous counting of ...