
Showing posts from February, 2025
To Live, to Think, and to Aspire Broadly Over the past few weeks, as we have all watched hostages emerge from the confining hell of the Gazan tunnels, I have constantly been thinking about one phrase from Tehilim 118.   מִן-הַמֵּצַר, קָרָאתִי יָּ-הּ;  From the narrows I call to you,  עָנָנִי בַמֶּרְחָב יָ-הּ answer me with your breadth. (118:5) This pasuk, which we recite famously in Hallel, reflects on the moving from narrowness to breadth and has hit my heart in so many ways these days, as a Jew, as an American, and as a global citizen in these challenging times.  For these hostages who have survived the narrow, the meitzar , we have been watching a crippling, jarring shock, and, at the same time, a redeeming opportunity to re-engage. They are emerging from unimaginably confining surroundings, to a wide world of the embrace of family and the possibilities that the world can offer. The narrowness of this crisis finds some comfort not only in the breath of life,...