
Showing posts from January, 2024
 A Pre-Shema Educational Vision for Growth: A Conversation with Parents of the Ramaz Upper School The text below is the address given at the welcome reception for Rabbi Aaron Frank at Ramaz six weeks after he assumed the position of Upper School Principal.  Good evening.  I feel so blessed to be a part of the Ramaz family and am thankful to the community—students, parents and faculty—for welcoming me so warmly. I also want to especially thank the Upper School Administration and specifically Ms. Krupka and Rabbi Schiowitz for helping my transition run so smoothly and, of course, to Mr. Cannon for his ongoing guidance and support. I also want to thank you, the parents, and the faculty. Aside from the warm welcome, your positivity and encouragement demonstrate your investment in the success of this new chapter in the life of the Upper School, and it makes me even more proud, excited, and motivated as I assume this new role. Each and every morning, I sit with our students and...