The Holidays are over but I am Still thinking about Sins This month, I have been thinking a lot about sins. Tishrei tends to do that to us. Sins serve a variety of purposes. At their worst, they show us how low we can fall. At their best, they give us feelings of regret, opportunities to reflect and inspire us to grow. Each year in the month of Tishrei we look to two national sins that serve as the paradigms and springboards for teshuva. The sin of the golden calf and sin of the spies both speak to the broken relationship between God and the Jewish people. Thankfully, these are also stories that end in forgiveness and repair. Words from those narratives are found throughout the Slichot and Yom Kippur liturgy in the hopes of showing God’s forgiveness and inspiring communal and individual change. As we enter into our new year this week and we begin the “after the holidays” we do so with promise and hope, reading the portion of recreation and...
Showing posts from September, 2021