
Showing posts from October, 2018
The Acorns Fall while the Quaker Philosopher and the Chassidic Rebbe Speak Our Sukkah took an unusual pounding this year.  Throughout the chag, there was a constant thunderous noise on our Sukkah.  It was not the sound of rain or thunder or even of schach falling, but the sound of acorns.  For some reason, acorns fell from our high trees in droves this Sukkot. Night and day, they kept falling in numbers never before seen by the Franks.  After some intense scientific Google research on the subject, I found out that this is part of the natural rhythm of autumn.  It is not so unusual.  Some years, there are few acorns that fall. And other years, acorns can “sound like little bombs as they rain down on your house.”  And as I listened to the acorns fall as I sat in my sukkah, I lamented -- lamented the end of summer and the beginning of the long cold winter.  But some quiet moments with the words of a Quaker Philopher and a Chassidic Rebbe from...